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Mariel Irvine

Article 2: Right to life Relevant to deaths in custody, duty to investigate, inquests

Article 3: Right not to be subject to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment Relevant to assault and battery, duty to investigate, intimate searches in police custody, strip searches, conditions of detention and treatment in prisons.

Article 4: Freedom from slavery, servitude and forced labour.

Article 5: Right to liberty Relevant to false imprisonment, powers of arrest and detention, sentencing, life prisoners, prisons

Article 6: Fair trial rights Relevant to judicial review, policy considerations in negligence claims against public authorities, combat immunity, police investigations, public interest immunity

Article 7: Right to freedom from retroactive penal provisions

Article 8: Right to respect for privacy and the home Relevant to misuse of private information, disclosure of information by public bodies, surveillance, RIPA, monitoring and covert recordings of employees in the workplace, entry search and seizure in a person's home, stop and search, harassment, defamation, data protection principles, prisons

Article 9: Freedom of thought, conscience and religion Relevant to discrimination, dress codes

Article 10: Freedom of expression Relevant to defamation, breach of confidence, harassment, licensing, excluded and special procedure material warrants

Article 11: Freedom of assembly and association Relevant to public order and breach of the peace, right to strike

Article 12: Right to marry and to family life

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